this week was supppppper fun! Tuesday i hung out pretty much all day with my artsy friends from school! we had so much fun being kids, playing at the playground, drinking slushies, trying on Halloween masks and laughing til we had tears in our eyes.
Thursday i had perspective class and Friday i had design class.
this was on the board in perspective class.
this is one of my drawings for my final for perspective class.
and this is just a two point building.
this is a drawing that i did in my design class while i was supposed to be paying attention... actually pretty much all my drawings were inspired because i was bored... :]
yay for boredom!
this is a guy in my perspective class who got tired and took a little break...

movement exersize...
and my cute little critter thingys. :]
pancake and cupcake :]
(about the size of a penny)
my cardinals (the size of a quarter)
the goddess athena and her owl. my friend athena's birthday present.
(about an inch tall)
more to come next week!
hope you enjoyed!